About Us

Core Values

The VBS Day School mission is guided by our five core values:  
  • Academic Excellence
  • Strong Jewish Identity
  • The Whole Child
  • Tikkun Olam
  • Global Citizenship
These core values serve as foundational commitments to our students and provide overarching themes to guide the implementation of our curriculum.

Pursue Academic Excellence

Students will explore, discover, and demonstrate foundational skills and competencies through 21st century learning opportunities; engage in critical thinking, inquiry, problem solving, creativity, effective communication, collaboration, and innovation; and utilize project based, experiential, technology, and media rich activities.

Foster a Strong Jewish Identity

Students will develop a strong Jewish identity based on Jewish knowledge, values, and meaningful experiences; participate in a dynamic Jewish community and understand their role as a link in the chain of the Jewish people with a connection to its past, present, and future; study Jewish texts and rituals, Hebrew, Torah, Mitzvot, Prayer and Jewish ritual to provide the foundation for essential knowledge and values; develop a personal connection to the land and people of Israel; and explore avenues for spirituality and personal meaning.

Commit to Tikkun Olam Through Action

Students will demonstrate a passion for making the world a better place through leadership and service learning; contribute to the world in meaningful and relevant ways; and learn the philosophy of Rabbi Harold M. Schulweis, which compels one to responsibly take action towards injustice and help others in need.

Nurture the Well-Being of the Whole Child

Students will develop physical, social, and emotional health with the ability to be self-disciplined, confident, and independent; make and maintain positive friendships through kindness, gratitude, and cooperation; be honored as an individual with unique talents and learning styles; and make decisions that nurture overall well-being.

Cultivate Global Citizenship

Students will explore diverse cultures, religions, and lifestyles in the world; be aware that we are part of a school, local, national, and global community; connect learning to include global resources and opportunities through technology; and develop mutual respect and tolerance for similarities and differences among individuals and groups of people.