
Parent Organization

Parents Are Partners

The VBS Day School Parent Organization is made up of parent volunteers who come together to boost up our school in many ways. We plan community-building events, fundraise for the school, show appreciation for our teachers throughout the year, and so much more. The VBSDS Parent Organization is also committed to fostering lasting friendships, strengthening our connection with the ECC, and aiding the community at large through gemilut hasadim (acts of kindness, charity).
Volunteering for VBSDS as part of the parent organization not only benefits our students and faculty, but it also reflects the value of taking care of our community as a model for our children to see. Our children learn to be mensches at VBS Day School and to go out in the world and make a difference.

We need your innovation and creative ideas as we embark on this journey together. There are numerous opportunities for every parent to participate, whether you have very limited time, or your availability is more flexible.
For our 2024-2025 school year, we are excited to be working on many parent and family events to build friendships, make incredible memories, and strengthen community connections. Reach out to us anytime at We are excited to be your Parent Org Co-Presidents and to help make this a fantastic year for everyone!

Your VBSDS Parent Organization
Co-Presidents for ’24-’25,
Amanda Marz
Mom of Mikey (5th grade) and Iris (3rd grade)

Chantel Azarkman
Mom of Zachary (5th Grade) and Lauren (Kindergarten)

Executive Committee

Shira Wachtel, - Co-President
Amanda Marz, Co-President
Elana Vorspan, Immediate Past President
Naomi Strongin, Head Grade Level Parent
Chantel Azarkman & Jessica Kudan, Community Events Co-Chairs
Emily Feit & Inbal Jacoby, Teacher Appreciation Co-Chairs
Nikki Eigler, Social Action Chair
Judy Land, Parent Org Ambassador
Robin Melameth, ECC Liaison